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63rd Independence Anniversary: Let’s keep up the Nigerian Spirit -NICOT President Charges

October 1st every year is earmarked to commemorate Nigeria’s Independence Anniversary. and, to make it worthwhile which has been his trademark, the President of Nigerian Community Turkey, Prince E. Magboh has urged all Nigerians to keep up their resilient spirits of patriotism, unity, and peace for a better Nigeria, which the children and generations yet unborn would be proud of.

The NICOT President, Prince Magboh stated this during the 63rd Independence Day anniversary on Sunday, 1st October 2023, at the NICOT Secretariat in Istanbul Turkey where he prayed for Nigerian leaders and their citizens.

NICOT President urged Nigerians to remain peaceful, positing that despite the diversity in dialect, religion, and traditional/cultural heritage, all should keep the spirit of Nigerianness in them and work towards a better and greater Nigeria.

Prince Magboh while highlighting the current challenges bedevilling the country noted that insurgency, victims of insecurity coupled with economic challenges, rising inflation and the unemployment rate currently faced by Nigerians remain a task for the current government to tackle. He stressed that with a cogent political will and efficient monetary and fiscal policy, Nigeria will get out of the doldrums.

Expressing sadness about the ongoing arrests of foreign migrants in Turkey especially Africans owing to resident’s permit challenges Prince Magboh revealed that so many Nigerians are currently languishing at various detention camps across Turkey, he added that efforts have been made by the community through the Nigerian Embassy to sort for their release.

He pointed out that the Nigerian Embassy through the Ambassador is currently taking proactive steps through diplomatic terms to sort for their release.

In view of the celebration, Prince Emre Magboh encouraged every Nigerian to remain peaceful and law-abiding in Turkey, even as he prayed for a better, united, prosperous Nigeria.

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