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  • Leah Sharibu’s to President Buhari: Use same negotiators, strategies used to secure the release of Zamfara schoolgirls for our daughter

Leah Sharibu’s to President Buhari: Use same negotiators, strategies used to secure the release of Zamfara schoolgirls for our daughter

Parents of Leah Sharibu have asked President Buhari to use the same negotiators, strategies, and means used to secure the release of other school children to rescue their daughter, Leah who is still being held in captivity.

Recall that Leah Sharibu was one of the 110 female students of the Government Girls’ Science and Technical College, Dapchi, Yobe State, who were abducted on February 19, 2018, by Boko Haram. While others were released, Leah was held on to by her captors because she refused to denounce her faith as a Christian

The letter reads

“Sir, With deep pains in our hearts but gratitude to God Almighty who commands us to be grateful in every situation, we write this open letter to you concerning our daughter, Leah Sharibu who as you well know is still in captivity in the hands of Boko Haram.

February 19th 2021 marked three years that she was abducted alongside her secondary school mates whom you were able to secure their release on March 21st 2018 barely one month after their abduction. We join Nigerians especially the parents of all recently abducted students to commend you for your prompt rescue of these students.

We, therefore, want to plead with you to please use the same negotiators, strategies and means used to secure their release to do so for our daughter, Leah. The Kankara boys in Katsina State regained their freedom six days after their abduction in December 2020.

The Kagara Schoolboys alongside other passengers in Niger State regained their freedom after a week of their abduction, while the 317 from Government Girls Science Secondary School in Jangebe town in Zamfara State were released on the March 3 2021, less than a week of their abduction.

Mr. President, you have promised me on the phone that my daughter will soon be released because negotiations are going on and not long, Leah will be returned home. But it has been over two years since you made that promise and Leah is now three years in captivity.

Sir, we plead with you to put yourself in our position and assume that Leah is your daughter. How would you feel knowing that she is in captivity just because she was courageous to refuse to renounce her faith?

While others were released by the terrorists following negotiations, Leah, then 14 years, is still being held captive because she refused to renounce her Christian faith. Leah is denied her freedom for three years just for that reason. Now that you are able to find a solution to rescue those in captivity, we believe that you should be able to bring Leah and others in captivity home if you choose to do so. The whole world and indeed, the international community are waiting for you to fulfil that promise Sir.”

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